GCERF in Kenya


The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund is a global fund that strengthens community resilience by supporting local initiatives to address the drivers of violent extremism. GCERF works with civil society groups and NGOs such as Act! who are trusted in their communities. To address violent extremism, we need to understand its appeal and ask those most susceptible to recruitment what assistance they need. GCERF brings global resources to this effort.

As part of the GCERF’s proposed approach towards transition out of Kenya over the coming three years (2021-2024), for the upcoming three-year
period of investment focuses on sustainable support to community structures in 21 counties.

Act! is honored to be the host of GCERF in Kenya as well as the GCERF funded: Accelerated Response Initiative Against Violent Extremism (ARIVE).

This week we had the honor of hosting the GCERF delegation to Kenya as they sought out areas of collaboration and sustainable initiatives. It is evident that much more can be done to counter violent extremism and establish worthwhile livelihoods.

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