The Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary is mandated to Chair and Coordinate the National Government Legislative Agenda across all Ministries and State Departments in consultation with and for transmission to Parliament. The Government Legislative Agenda is critical in delivering the current Administration’s development plan, espoused under the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).
The Kenya Devolution Programme (KDP)-Timiza Ugatuzi implemented by Act Change Transform (Act!) supported the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary (OPCS), State Department for Parliamentary Affairs, to convene the multi-agency validation panel sessions tasked with establishing the status of the Government’s Legislative Agenda through consultations with the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) who submitted their priority Policies, Bills and Regulations. The report considered the following:
- Examined the submissions from the State Departments during the round table discussions to identify priorities, duplications, overlaps and recommendations on measures, if any, to address them.
- Consolidated the roadmaps towards implementing the government legislative agenda, including the budgetary requirements for promoting synergy and tracking progress.
- Considered the effect of the Government Legislative Agenda on the unbundling of functions of the two levels of Government to accord to the devolved system of Government as envisioned in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
- Developed a report of priority policies, bills and regulations for submission to the Cabinet and the National and County Government Coordinating Summit for consideration and approval.
The Government Legislative Agenda (GLA) Report will serve as the official repository of policy and legislative reform initiatives, underscoring the commitment to enacting policies and laws that address the pressing challenges facing our nation and the realisation of our vision for socio-economic development. This publication highlights the legislative priorities supporting the government’s overarching goals and development priorities and propels Kenya towards a more equitable and prosperous future. It underscores the importance of collaboration between government departments, legislative bodies, and stakeholders at all levels to ensure the effective implementation of policies that benefit all Kenyans.
The GLA report also; Highlights the legislative priorities that will support the government’s overarching goals and development priorities and propel Kenya towards a more equitable and prosperous future; Underscores the importance of collaboration between government departments, legislative bodies, and stakeholders at all levels to ensure effective implementation of policies that benefit all Kenyans; and Incorporates the findings of the Transfer of Functions Process and is taking a whole of government approach in the review, amendment and updating of policies and laws to align to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution and inform the implementation of the devolved system of governance in Kenya.
This process is envisioned to bring synergy to the legislative development, review, and amendment process that will follow the finalisation of the unbundling and transfer of functions to counties, which KDP has been supporting the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC) in finalising. The Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary has confirmed that the GLA report received Cabinet approval.